Fruiteza fruit infusion tea box features ten fruit tea bags of naturally flavored dried fruit slices, which enhance the taste of water or a drink with tropical fruit flavors. Inside each bag, you will find four-five slices of dried fruits, that are waiting to be added to your hot or cold brew drinks! Fruit infusions from Fruiteza are unique as they feature more than five different tropical fruit mixes in each box! Find the flavors of water you will love!
The natural tropical fruits give a Frutieza Fruit Infusions herbal tea qualities, not only fulfilling your vitamin needs but also acting as a slim tea and detox water.
Serve flavored tea, iced or hot in a glass, water bottle, or teapot. Cold brew tea bags that are compatible with fruit infusion bottles and cocktails. Water flavor packets that can be added to herbal tea, unsweetened iced tea, fruit water, and cocktail drinks.
Whether you looking for a product that will enhance the taste of water or a product that can give a natural fruit taste to your drinks, Fruiteza fruit tea bags are a great choice! Perfect for everyday usage! Fulfill your every day thirst needs with the flavors of nature!
No artificial flavors were added. Fruiteza Fruit Infusion tea bags create decaf tea. All of our fruits are handpicked and safely packed into odor-proof bags that ensure the freshness of our herbal tea.